Special Topics in Physics: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics (PH489, Spring 2019)
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics by R. Zwanzig (1st edition, Oxford)
Class time
Tuesday and Thursday, 14:30~16:00
Basic Science Building (E6-6), 119
Calculus, Quantum mechanics, Thermal physics, Statistical physics
Course Descriptions
How does a system become thermalized? How does the irreversible macroscopic behaviors result from the reversible microscopic dynamics? Although the statistical mechanics originated in attempts to answer these questions, the realm of nonequilibrium had been largely unexplored and considered as one of the biggest challenges in physics for a very long time. There has recently been notable progress in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics that deals with physical systems that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium. This course aims at acquainting students with theoretical foundation of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, along with a brief overview of recent progress. For instance, kinetic theory, linear response theory, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, stochastic theory including Fokker-Planck equation, and recent developments in stochastic thermodynamics and eigenstate thermalization will be covered.
Tentative Course Outline (Topics to be covered)
The following schedule is only tentative and may change without notice.
- Stochastic thermodynamics
- Kinetic theory
- Linear response theory
Tentative evaluation criteria
Mid (30%), Final (40%), Attendance, homework, quiz and class participation (30%). Be advised that it is only tentative and can be subject to a change.
Homework sets
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